Lemon Law

Lemon Law Attorney in New Jersey

New Jersey and New York lemon laws have a range of requirements to be met. However, we have positively brought several lemon cases for breach of warranty which failed to meet the grade of the lemon law and garnered monetary compensation for the issues the consumers had experienced. If you are fed up with getting the runaround, please touch base with our attorneys today and schedule a free consultation with you to talk about your issue. Contact us on 212-203-6890 (New York Office) or 609-831-ATTY (2889) (New Jersey Office) and schedule your meeting with our lemon law attorneys today.

Lemon Law Attorney

Our Lemon Law Attorneys in New York and New Jersey have successfully dealt with hundreds of lemon law cases.

If you have lately bought a faulty vehicle or automobile, we urge you to get in touch with our prolific and certified lemon law lawyers in New York and New Jersey now to get a free consultation. Prashant Law Firm, P.C offers tactical practical legal demonstration to assist you in handling your lemon law case. Even while our law office is located in New Jersey and New York, we are at ease to give legal representation for lemon law cases in different locations of the country.

It is common for several automobiles and vehicles to experience substantial issues with a variety of parts. So whether you or someone you know experience issues that are impinging on your safety, vehicles significance, or its use then you can get either a new vehicle or compensation money covering fees to take in legal representation by hiring lemon law attorneys in New Jersey and New York. Lemon law attorneys we have at Prashant Law Firm, P.C are well familiar with certain laws and regulations for every state that you must follow with the view to filing a successful lemon law claim.

Common Misconceptions About Lemon Law

If my case fails to meet the grade of the lemon law, there is something that I can do:

Our Lemon law lawyers New Jersey and New York generally accept legal cases that fails to meet the grade of the lemon law standards and lodge them in court. All buyers of faulty products are legally allowed to get compensation for service or loss. We at Prashant Law Firm, New York take cases, which qualify mileage or repair standards under the lemon law. We present such legal cases in court, and get compensation or provide other relief to the buyers. Rather than referring to them as lemon law cases, we refer to them as violation of warranty claims.

I have got three repairs for a similar issue, so I know I am eligible for the lemon law:

Keep the problem in mind and it must keep to exist and markedly impair use, worth, or security. A lot of people have experienced key problems with their cars, however once the issue has been resolved, they no longer can claim lemon law claims. You should still get in touch with a lemon law lawyer because you may still have a violation of warranty claims which can be produced in court.

I have had several problems with the car so my case is very strong:

The lemon law is created to give relief to a specific issue that has been repaired at least 3 or even more times. The lemon law is devoid of any provision to put together a variety of little concerns to make one big one. Consider a person who is going to see a health professional. If he/she says that he suffers from cold, ache in teeth, sores in throat, insomnia, and depression, most probably, the doctor will considerably not consider any of the problems sincerely. In the same way, the consumer who gives the mention that his/her the car goes through brake issues, transmission issues, a water leakage, and suspension issue that cut down any considerable issue he/she has.

Once you are able to conform to the lemon law criteria, you can basically compute the statutory formula for repayment. Keep in mind that dominating in a lemon law claim is not invariably a plain task. With that said, the cases may be settled in a range of ways to cut down the risk of a contrary result. Our lemon law attorneys New York will give recommendations and advice, however the client will resolve the final choice.

New Jersey and New York lemon laws have a diversity of requirements. However, we have successfully put forwarded several cases for violation of warranty which failed to meet the grade of the lemon law and received monetary compensation for the issues consumers had gone through. If you are tired of getting the run around please contact The Law Office of Howard A. Gutman today and schedule you free consultation to discuss your issue. Call and schedule your meeting with our lemon law attorney today.

New York Lemon Law State Guide

The New York State Dispute Resolution Association (NYSDRA) deals with the Lemon Law Arbitration Program via an agreement with the NYS Attorney General's Office. NYSDRA hands these cases over to local dispute resolution centers (for example Common Ground), who then offer a self-governing, well-organized and fair forum to deal with the disputes for consumers whose new or used motor vehicles turn out "lemons." New Jersey’s Personal Injury Protection auto insurance system can be puzzling, trying, and overpriced for all the healthcare providers.

In order to make a repair effort a real smasher, you must get a repair order in black and white. Hopefully, either the manufacturing company or the vendor of your lemon (including the dealership service) may deny your appeal to render you with a scripted repair order on you.


1. No. of Repairs: The following requisites are required as per New York lemon law:

(i) Similar idiosyncrasy, or condition that has been subject to patch-up 4 or even more times by the manufacturing company or its dealers within the initial 29,000 kilometers of procedure or two years after the delivery is made. Such issues crop up.

a. Is it possible for you to set a claim that transcends the mileage extents of the statute? The lemon law refers to an assumption; is it possible for you to file a claim that transcends the statutory extents without any presumption. It is good to file a claim on other conditions – violation of warranty- without achieving the mileage demarcations.

b. What does the similar problem about? Four repairs of the same issues are a must. Clever manufacturers will maintain that a condition entails two or even more varied problems so that the similar problems was not fixed four times.

2. Solemnity: The problem must considerably vitiate the use, significance, or protection of the vehicle.

3. Damages Granted: The statute refers to a buyback. The statute is unclear about whether attorney’s fees are refundable in a lawyer’s general adjudication. It seems that that various type of different damages are not permissible, for example, time loss from work, mutual indemnities, or psychosomatic injury. A customer may opt for filing a claim under other laws to emphasize on those kinds of claims.

4. Mileage Counterbalance: A counterbalance for more than 28,000 kilometers is granted in the lemon law. The formula is cost of purchase x more than 28,000 kilometers divided by 100,000. It is worth noting that in a settlement, customers are likely to disagree to a dissimilar formula to deal with the matter.

5. Presumption: While the statute refers to a precondition, often that signifies little and the consumer has the encumbrance of proof to display the essential number of repairs and the gravity of the problem.

6. Forum: A lot of consumers exploit the lawyer general adjudication forum. A consumer is likely to file a claim in court.

General Manufacturer Defenses Under the New York Lemon Law:

Consumers do not live up to the mark when it comes to winning every case and adept manufacturers may do well with different defenses. Manufacturers’ spokespersons may deal with lemon law defenses on a continuing basis maybe handling 40 to 50 cases on an annual basis, and a knowledgeable spokesperson conversant with the workings and specs of the vehicle are likely to be proficient n lessening the intensity of an issue and winning a victory over a claim. Here are a handful of typical defense.

1. Different problems: Manufacturers, at times, feature technical arguments proposing that 2 or more conditions available on a sequence of upkeeps, instead of the similar problem coming about four times.

2. The Problem has been addressed: There has been continuing discussion about whether a claim can be presented if the problem was addressed. Manufacturers, at times, argue the issue has been or sporadically can be resolved.

3. The car works within specs: Lemon laws are idiosyncratic processes, the claim must be quantitatively shown. Manufacturers, at times, present thorough specifications, typically anonymous to customers, and elucidate how the car is working within the specs, even those while a problem is claimed. Very often, the specs do not include the exact problem.

4. Owner exploitation or alteration: As soon as it is come to learning that the owner put in a radio, did an oil alteration or made changes in the vehicle/auto in any way, a manufacturer may attribute ensuing problems to that.

Lemon Law New Jersey Guide

Your vehicle comes under New Jersey’s Lemon Law to defend your case only when you have bought a new motor vehicle and has got a hold of severe warranty defects which the dealer or manufacturer cannot patch-up. Under the New Jersey New Car Lemon Law, you are entitled to get a refund.

To be precise, the New Car Lemon Law applies to any individual who buys, charters or registers a new vehicle or auto in New Jersey. The term of security is 24,000 miles or two (2) years from the original date of delivery, whichever turns up first. The law is also applicable to the approved emergency vehicles and motorhomes, excluding the living quarters of the motorhome. If you have bought or chartered your vehicle used but it is still less than 24,000 miles and less than the two years from the date of original delivery, you are still eligible for the New Jersey Car Lemon Law.

To become eligible for the relief under the New Car Lemon Law, the defect must considerably mar the use, significance or security of your vehicle, or be a solemn safety defect which most probably can cause death or critical bodily injury while the vehicle is driven.

Do You Guess that Your Vehicle Is a Lemon and Falls Under the New Jersey Lemon Law?

If you have a vehicle/auto that has had gone through frequent repairs or has been out of service for a lot of days, then it is termed as “lemon” under the New Jersey Lemon Law and with this in mind, you are entitled to receive a cash settlement, repayment or a new car. Even if your vehicle fails to meet the grade of lemon law needs, you are still entitled to get a cash settlement, refund or a new car under federal law. These laws may also be applicable for used cars as well.

Incidentally, you have paid a fortune to grab your prized possession and now cannot afford to have a hold up in dealing with the problems with your vehicle. The more you wait, the harder it will be to resolve your lemon law case. You must take action fast and put your problems across the manufacturer. Our veteran New Jersey Lemon Law attorneys are here to help you lemon law process end to end and make it a fast and easy process. The best part is that we can deal with your headaches about your car.

No need for you to pay any fees or costs!

In general, all fees and cost is disbursed by the manufacturer and thus exempting you from paying even a single dime! So there is no sense in holding up the process, it will take less than a few minutes and put an end to all the stresses related to your vehicle. If your car is going through problems, please call us at 609-831-ATTY (2889) today to get in touch with a lemon law attorney over the phone. Alternatively, you can complete the email evaluation form for a free case evaluation.

Please contact our professional New Jersey Lemon Law attorney if you guess that your car is assuredly or most probably a lemon and we will give you free advice about your potential lemon law claims.

Contact Us
NJ Office: 609-831-ATTY (2889)
NY Office: 212-203-6890
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