Bankruptcy / Foreclosure Protection

Bankruptcy Attorney in New Jersey

We are at the cutting-edge of offering bankruptcy/foreclosure protection services to the struggling creditors. To put it simply, we provide assistance to these agitated individuals with the aim to help them keep their homes when possible as well as help them to repossess the loan that is in default.
So if you are in debt regarding your monthly bills or financial loan, we offer down-to-earth confidential financial counseling assistance to you. Let one of our certified housing counseling experts assist you in person or via the telephone.

Our office handles all Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Protection Law. We file both Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 to help people repair their financial situation. Foreclosure Prevention Counseling help is available online and via telephone. We assist with Loan Modification as well.

Lost your job? Hours cut back? Unforeseen medical emergency? Bit off more debt than you can chew?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be right for you. Being prepared is a great help for us to become well aware of your financial status so that we can evaluate potential options for you. When you get in touch with us, please make sure that you have the following documents available with you:

  • Up-to-date pay stubs and most recent tax return.
  • Up-to-date bank statements
  • Credit card bills
  • Your monthly mortgage statement
  • Any utility bills and car payments

We are ready to work with you dedicatedly and help you determine your options.

Contact Us
NJ Office: 609-831-ATTY (2889)
NY Office: 212-203-6890

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